New Website info!

New site alert!!!

With the help of Mr. Neuhoff at and OpenCart - we whipped up on the old site and brought something more current in.   Well, Mr. Neuhoff handled most of the whipping, and I just decorated.  :D

Shop Schedule:   Click Here.  Includes anticipated "Out of the Shop" dates.

A few things to keep an eye on:

1.)  Double check all of your account information when you first log in.  Some addressing changes were implemented in the process.  It mainly affects International, Colorado, and Sales Tax Exempt customers - but its always good to check.

2.)  Colorado Customers - we DO NOT ship any taxable orders subject to Colorado Sales Tax for ANY reason.  The only options for taxable Colorado orders is to pick up here in Wiggins or have it shipped to an address outside of Colorado.  Colorado customers WITH A COLORADO TAX LICENSE may have their account setup for tax exempt purchases and would be eligible for shipping.  This option must be setup prior to placing an order and can not be be done retroactively.
3.)  If you can not log in with your original email and password...  Please contact us prior to creating a new account so we can look into it.

If you experience any issues, errors, etc...   Please let us know!

Please include a description of:

1.)  What you were doing/what was clicked/what didn't work as expected

2.)  Any errors you received on the screen
3.)  A screen shot would be great if possible
4.)  Any additional information that might seem relevant.